Summer is finally here and with it comes the sun. As nice as it is to see those rays, it is important that you protect yourself from too much.
The sun emits radioactive energy which can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes of exposure causing sunburn and can put you at risk for developing skin cancer.
There are 3 major types of skin cancer: squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.
Of the 3, melanoma is the more aggressive type, so it’s important to check your skin and watch for changes in moles or spots.
What to look for is as easy as ABCDE:
- Benign refers to non-cancerous
- Malignant refers to cancerous
If you see any moles that are worrying you, book an appointment with your primary health care provider!
In the meantime, make sure to wear a good hat and sunglasses, use sunscreen regularly, and seek shade when you can while you are enjoying this beautiful weather!