Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics

Safe Medication Use

take with food prescription bottleWhen used properly, medications can help keep you healthy.  Unfortunately, improper medication use is a major cause of health problems and emergency department visits.  Make sure you know about your medications and how to use them to get the best results.  Be sure to know the name and dose, how best to take it, and what to watch for (good and bad effects).  It is also important to keep an up-to-date list of the medications you take.  A current list is especially helpful if you have many prescribers who make changes or if you’ve been in hospital.  

If you have concerns about side effects, cost, or whether you really need the medication, talk to your health care providers. Your community pharmacist is a great resource to help you get the best results from your medications.  Ask about a MedsCheck to review your medications.  Your Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics pharmacists work with your nurse practitioners and health care team and can also help answer some of your questions about medications. 

Please see the attached pdf document for 5 questions to ask whenever you see your nurse practitioner, pharmacist, or a specialist or other provider.



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