Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics

Winter Skin Survival Tips

Because we’re not thinking about sun protection as much during the colder seasons, many of us neglect our skin, leaving it prone to damage.  Following these simple tips should help to keep your skin safe though the harsh conditions.

  1. dry crackedAlways moisturize.  Once you’ve had a bath or shower, apply body moisturizer, and moisturize your face morning and night. 
  2. A gentle exfoliating body and face wash from time to time will help to remove dead skin, ensuring moisturizer is effectively absorbed.  Some people avoid exfoliating in winter, thinking it will dry out their skin, but it is not true; as long as you moisturize after.
  3. Always wear gloves or mitts if you’re going outside as hands are particularly disposed to dryness in the winter.  Having a hand cream with you at all times is another way to help your hands.
  4. Keeping your body hydrated by drinking the recommended amount of fluids per day will help to keep your skin hydrated and fight dryness.
  5. Ensure you carry a lip balm with you, and try to avoid licking your lips if they feel dry.  Using a lip balm will protect them against cracking and protect them from the cold and wind.
  6. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps fight dry skin.  It also aids in the absorption of moisture and can be found in many good face creams. You can also boost your vitamin E levels by eating foods such as nuts, olives and seeds (unless your health care provider has directed otherwise).
  7. If you are prone to flaky, irritated scalp, remember to shampoo and condition your hair with products designed to combat dandruff.  The skin on your head is just as prone to dryness as the skin elsewhere on your body.  Natural shampoos and conditioners are ideal because they don’t contain some of the harsh chemicals which can strip your hair and scalp of its natural protection.
  8. If you find your skin is still dry, consider a humidifier for your home.  Central heating can cause dry skin, so a humidifier helps by adding moisture to the air.
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